Organics Infrastructure – Stream 4 Product Quality - grant project summaries

This program stream (stream 4) funds infrastructure to raise the quality of recycled organic materials.

Project summaries

In the 2019 round the Environmental Trust did not approve any projects for funding.

In the 2018 round the Environmental Trust approved 7 grants, totalling $2,382,319.

Organisation Project title Amount $

Australian Native Landscapes Pty Ltd

ANL Badgerys Creek Laboratory Upgrade


Australian Native Landscapes Pty Ltd

Blayney Decontamination


Australian Native Landscapes Pty Ltd

Cooranbong Compost Granulating Unit for high product quality


SOILCO Pty Limited

Equipment and software to improve and monitor product quality


SUEZ Recycling & Recovery Australia

Camden Decontamination


SUEZ Recycling & Recovery Australia

Eastern Creek Decontamination


Topsoil Organics Pty Ltd

Platinum AS4454 Compost


7 projects totalling


Australian Native Landscapes Pty Ltd

ANL Badgerys Creek Laboratory Upgrade – $169,961

This project involves a major laboratory facility upgrade at ANL's Badgerys Creek facility which will underpin the analytical capability of the entire ANL manufacturing and commercial sales divisions. The upgrade will provide the capability to undertake all chemical and microbiological analysis required to meet the current requirements of testing to the NSW EPA Guidelines for disposal and use of biosolids, the Australian Product Quality Standards AS3743, AS4454 and AS4419, and the current Agricultural Soil testing undertaken for agricultural clients prior to providing a compost supply application rate and quotation. In-house analytical capability will help ANL improve the consistency and quality of their full product range and agronomic technical support capability.

Australian Native Landscapes Pty Ltd

Blayney Decontamination – $370,204

This project will install equipment to decontaminate food and garden organics at the Blayney Organics Processing facility, resulting in high quality mulch and compost. The objective is to produce end-products that are virtually contaminant free. The proposed equipment is a state of the art one-pass solution to decontamination of organic materials.

Australian Native Landscapes Pty Ltd

Cooranbong Compost Granulating Unit for high product quality – $461,768

This project will install equipment to create high-value, granulated compost-fertiliser products.  Pelletised products have reduced transport and spreading costs. They can be spread, planted or broadcast using standard and routinely available equipment and when used ‘down the chute’ deliver a targeted organic matter-fertiliser input exactly where it is required. This project will provide the missing infrastructure to efficiently deliver composted organics to broadacre agriculture and intensive horticulture markets.

SOILCO Pty Limited

Equipment and software to improve and monitor product quality – $98,405

SOILCO has compared oversize materials generated from the composting of source separated food and garden organics (FOGO). SOILCO has found that increased diversion of FOGO has led to additional contamination in the organics waste stream. This project will purchase wind sifting equipment and magnetic drums to reduce the quantity of soft plastics and metal contamination in compost, improving quality. SOILCO will also upgrade its internal laboratory to expand quality testing. The purchase of compost manufacturing software will allow greater efficiencies in manufacturing and job costing and allow greater analysis of compliance testing.

SUEZ Recycling & Recovery Australia

Camden Decontamination – $475,331

The SUEZ Camden Decontamination project involves the installation of a pre-sort decontamination line to improve end-product quality. Camden Organics Resource Recovery Facility receives garden organics from metropolitan kerbside collections with a current contamination level of 7 to 8 percent. The purpose of this project is to remove most of the contamination prior to pasteurisation, maturation and final product screening and blending. The result will be a higher quality garden organics compost suitable for the urban amenity market and high value bagged, domestic retail products.

SUEZ Recycling & Recovery Australia

Eastern Creek Decontamination – $472,831

The SUEZ Eastern Creek Decontamination project involves the installation of a pre-sort decontamination line to improve end-product quality. Eastern Creek Organics Resource Recovery Facility receives garden organics from metropolitan kerbside collections and small commercial operators with a current contamination level of approximately six percent. The purpose of this project is to remove most of the contamination prior to pasteurisation, maturation and final product screening and blending. The result will be a higher quality garden organics compost suitable for the urban amenity market and high value bagged, domestic retail products.

Topsoil Organics Pty Ltd

Platinum AS4454 Compost – $333,819

Topsoil Organics will source commercially available composted food organic and garden organics from facilities across NSW and further process it to produce a refined platinum grade compost. Operating in Forbes, Topsoil Organics will make the platinum grade compost for widescale use across agriculture markets in Central West New South Wales.