Have your say

Give your feedback, share ideas and get involved with projects currently open for public consultation.

We produce a range of draft plans, policies, agreements and reports that call for community involvement and consultation.

Open consultations

Parramatta River Regional Park proposed licence variation: public consultation

We invite you to give feedback on a proposed licence variation for Hunters Hill Council in Parramatta River Regional Park by 11 October 2024.

  • 06 Sep 2024

Xanthosia scopulicola

Xanthosia scopulicola J.M.Hart & Henwood, a shrub – proposed removal from the schedules of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 – preliminary determination open for comment until 13 December 2024.

  • 04 Sep 2024

Diuris disposita

Diuris disposita D.L.Jones, an orchid – proposed critically endangered species listing – preliminary determination open for comment until 13 December 2024.

  • 04 Sep 2024

Kalyarr National Park Draft plan of management

Kalyarr National Park Draft plan of management is on public exhibition until 5 pm 1 November 2024.

  • 29 Aug 2024

Assets of Intergenerational Significance conservation action plans

NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service will seek and consider your feedback on draft conservation action plans for Assets of Intergenerational Significance before adopting the plans.

  • 27 Aug 2024

Wattamolla review of environmental factors for telecommunications facility: public consultation

A review of environmental factors to install telecommunications infrastructure is open for consultation until 22 August 2024.

  • 19 Jul 2024

NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee preliminary determination

The cockroach Panesthia lata Walker, 1868, an insect - proposed critically endangered species listing - preliminary determination open for comment until 28 September 2024.

  • 28 Jun 2024

NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee preliminary determination

Lord Howe silvereye Zosterops lateralis tephropleurus Gould, 1885, a bird - proposed removal of vulnerable species listing - preliminary determination open for comment until 28 September 2024.

  • 28 Jun 2024

NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee preliminary determination

Syzygium paniculatum, a tree - proposed vulnerable species listing - preliminary determination open for comment until 28 September 2024.

  • 28 Jun 2024

NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee preliminary determination

Leucopogon fletcheri Maiden & Betche subsp. Fletcheri, a shrub - proposed vulnerable species listing - preliminary determination open for comment until 28 September 2024.

  • 28 Jun 2024