Update May 2023

The National Parks and Wildlife Service has completed the revised design for West Head Lookout to address safety and structural issues.

Concerns from stakeholders about the protection of heritage and aesthetic values of the site have also been considered and have influenced this final design. These designs can be downloaded from the West Head Lookout safety improvements webpage.

Contractor appointed

A tender for construction was released earlier in 2023 and a contractor has now been engaged. The works program has been developed, and construction works are scheduled to commence on 15 May 2023 and are expected to take approximately 6 months.

Site management

Closures will be in place at West Head Road after Resolute Picnic Area. There will be no pedestrian or vehicle access in or around the West Head Lookout during the construction phase. For your safety, please do not enter fenced areas.

Temporary fencing and signage at West Head Lookout