Wongkumara People – notice under the Native Title Act

National Parks and Wildlife Service is proposing a section 47C native title agreement with the Wongkumara People in relation to national park estate covered by a native title application.

Notice is given on the proposal to make an agreement for the purposes of section 47C(6)(a) of the Native Title Act 1993 (Commonwealth) in relation to Sturt National Park in north-western New South Wales. This notice is to give any interested people an opportunity to comment on the proposed agreement.

The proposed agreement is subject to the registration of an Indigenous Land Use Agreement between the State of New South Wales and Wongkumara that addresses the coexistence of native title rights with park management and public use in the Wongkumara claim area, which includes the proposed agreement area.

Proposed agreement description

The Attorney General, as state minister responsible for native title in New South Wales, is proposing, at least 3 months from the date of this notice, to enter into an agreement under section 47C of the Native Title Act 1993 (Commonwealth) (the proposed agreement) with the Wongkumara People as one part of a comprehensive settlement of their native title determination application, which they commenced in the Federal Court of Australia.

If the state and the Wongkumara People enter into an agreement under section 47C and the Federal Court makes a determination of native title that applies section 47C, any historical extinguishment of native title will be disregarded in the proposed agreement area.

Proposed agreement area description

The proposed agreement area will cover parts of Sturt National Park in north-western New South Wales within the Wongkumara claim area, where native title has been historically extinguished, including areas subject to public works.

Effect of the proposed agreement description

Under the proposed agreement, the National Parks and Wildlife Service will continue to operate and manage Sturt National Park. If made, the determination of native title will not affect public access or any existing valid interests (such as leases or licences) in relation to the proposed agreement area. It will also not affect the continued reservation of the national parks estate or access to, or operation of, public works in the park estate.

Map showing the lots where previous extinguishment may be disregarded.

Map of proposed agreement with Wongkumara People under s47 Native Title Act 1993


Download Native Title Determination Application map (PDF 418KB)

Table listing lot and DP numbers of the proposed agreement area.


7301/1181681 (within claim area)
7302/1181681 (within claim area)
7303/1181681 (within claim area)

Table listing Cadastre ID of the proposed agreement area.


Cadastre ID

What will happen after the notification period ends?

At the end of the public comment period the NSW Government will review all comments received and take them into consideration when deciding whether to enter into the section 47C agreement.

Comment on the proposed agreement

You can comment on the proposed agreement between 22 December 2023 and 22 March 2024.

To give us feedback, please send a written comment by:

  • Post your written submission to:
    Manager Native Title, National Parks and Wildlife Service
    Locked Bag 5022
    Parramatta NSW 2124
  • Email your submission to: nativetitle.s47C@environment.nsw.gov.au
  • Use the online form below.

Written comments must be received by 22 March 2024.

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