Somersby Falls picnic area upgrade update June 2024

Construction nearing completion for the upgrade of the Somersby Falls picnic area.

Securing additional funding in November 2023, we kicked off Phase 2 works in December 2023, aiming for completion by late June 2024. This phase enhances accessible amenities, installs an onsite sewerage system, and improves visitor facilities and accessibility.

In June, we'll finish landscaping, plantings, turf, safety fencing, and a new lookout platform with top falls views. We'll also install new signs and interpretive information. Once Bolte Civil, our construction contractor, clears the site and completes defect works and equipment testing, we'll be ready to welcome visitors again.

We will officially open the upgraded picnic area and reopen the precinct to visitors in July, just in time for the school holidays.  

Protecting the park during construction

We completed a review of environmental factors (REF) before starting work. This assessment of the final design guided our construction process. Visitors can look forward to:

  • improved amenities and upgraded onsite sewer management system
  • a new accessible viewing platform at the top falls
  • an expanded car park with more than 50 car spaces, including 4 dedicated disabled car spaces
  • a small bus drop-off area
  • new accessible pathways
  • updated picnic facilities
  • terraces, landscaping and open areas
  • updated interpretive signage to assist visitors' experience.

Aboriginal heritage site considerations

We designed the project to protect Aboriginal cultural heritage sites. We invited Aboriginal heritage representatives to inspect and monitor the construction, ensuring no impact on cultural heritage. We are looking forward to the involvement of Aboriginal community members, including the Darkinjung Local Aboriginal Land Council, in the site's opening.


Our landscape design plan revitalises the picnic area with locally endemic species, using both active planting and natural regeneration techniques. We have included comprehensive drainage systems for correct water flow. Planting and regeneration works will continue until the site reopens in early July. National Parks staff and bush regeneration contractors are completing the landscaping program, focusing on connecting to the local native landscape.

New viewing platform

In June, during the final phase of our project, we will conduct trials of the newly upgraded amenities and accessible pathways. This will include testing the connections to the new viewing platform to ensure they meet our standards for accessibility.

Small bus drop-off bay

After the upgrade, we'll open a turnaround and drop-off point for small buses, linked via accessible pathways to the picnic area for pedestrian safety.

Walking tracks

We have constructed new paths throughout the precinct, including a loop path for those with limited access, allowing access throughout the whole precinct from the car park all the way down to the elevated viewing platform.

Picnic facilities

As part of Phase 2, we have installed 2 new BBQ shelters, 8 new BBQ plates, and 7 new picnic tables. Terraced grass areas provide a large area for picnics and recreation.

Outdoor classroom

We’re building an outdoor classroom as a new feature in our landscape upgrade which will be a place for small groups to meet.

Where can I find more information about the completion of the project?

For more information about the project's completion, visit the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service webpage.

We will update the parks alerts and closures webpage to notify you about any changes to public access and official opening dates.