Snowies Alpine Walk project update

December 2022

Significant wet weather this year and late-season snow in October and November within Kosciuszko National Park have delayed progress on the Snowies Alpine Walk.

The Snowies Alpine Walk is being constructed in 4 stages:

  • Stage 1 – rerouting the Main Range Track (now open)
  • Stage 2 – Guthega to Charlotte Pass (now open)
  • Stage 3 – Charlotte Pass to Perisher (under construction)
  • Stage 4 – Perisher to Bullocks Flat (under construction).

Works are continuing where possible, but wet weather delays have postponed Stage 3 works. This section was originally scheduled to open in December 2022, but this will now occur in early 2023.

Charlotte Pass to Perisher progress update (Stage 3)

More than 9 km of this 9.8 km new section of track from Charlotte Pass village to Porcupine Rocks is complete. However, wet weather has delayed completion of the final section leading into the Charlotte Pass village and some more remote sections of track.

We aim to complete these final sections of the Charlotte Pass to Perisher Walk by March 2023, depending on weather conditions being favourable throughout summer.

The final upgrade to the Porcupine Walk has also commenced. This involves realignment of the first kilometre of track near Perisher village and the last 120-metre section leading up to the Rocks. This is also due for completion in March 2023.

Perisher to Bullocks Flat progress update (Stage 4)

Construction commenced on Stage 4 of the walk from Perisher to Bullocks Flat in January 2022.

Work is well underway in the lower altitudes of the track near Bullocks Flat; however, work in the sub-alpine sections did not commence until late November due to wet weather and snow.

We have now commenced work to install rock paving and elevated steel mesh boardwalks to protect sensitive habitats in the sub-alpine and montane areas. This work will support threatened species and ecological communities such as alpine reptiles, mammals, invertebrates and bog communities.

Planning work to upgrade the existing Perisher track head is well underway. This track head will provide critical car parking, signage and other facilities for visitors walking from Perisher to Charlotte Pass (including the Porcupine Walk) and Perisher to Bullocks Flat. Car parking during these works will be very limited, and some diversions around the construction site may be in place.

Stage 4 of the Snowies Alpine Walk, including the Perisher track head, is due for completion in summer 2023.

Snowies Alpine Walk - Stage 4 progress final

Snowies Alpine Walk completion

The opening of Stage 4 in summer 2023 will mark the launch of the 55 km Snowies Alpine Walk.

This world-class multi-day walking experience across the alpine roof of Australia will traverse some of the nation's most breathtaking landscapes.

Visitors will have the opportunity to summit Mount Kosciuszko – Australia's highest peak at 2,228 metres – on day 2 of the experience.

This section will also include the opportunity to walk across Australia's highest suspension bridge (at 1,640 metres above sea level) over Spencers Creek near Guthega.

Once complete, visitors may choose to undertake the Snowies Alpine Walk in its entirety or enjoy individual or multiple sections that best suit their fitness levels and schedule.

Next steps

We will provide another stakeholder update in the first half of 2023 once we have a clear timeframe for the opening of Stage 3.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our national park visitors for your patience during 2022 as these important upgrades take place.

We would also like to acknowledge National Parks and Wildlife Service staff and contractors for their efforts during a very challenging year of wet weather and assure visitors that we are working as fast as possible to complete these works.

A lot of work is happening in the region, so please always check National Parks and Wildlife Service alerts for the latest park closure information before visiting.

Finally, we would like to wish all our visitors and stakeholders a happy festive season and best wishes for the new year.

Mount Kosciuszko Summit, Kosciuszko National Park

Jointly funded by the Australian and NSW governments.

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