Update February 2023

Ngambaa Nature Reserve feral predator-free area is ready for construction.

Ngambaa Nature Reserve entry pointPlanning phase is complete

The planning phase has been completed for this 2,500-hectare feral predator-free area south-west of Macksville, including:

  • an amended plan of management
  • a completed review of environmental factors and published decision statement
  • the completion of extensive baseline ecological surveys.

Baseline ecological surveys established

Over the past 18 months, baseline surveys conducted at 22 monitoring sites have captured information about:

  • plant species
  • underground (or hypogenous) fungi known as 'false truffles'
  • small mammals.

Each monitoring site measures these biodiversity indicators or 'bioindicators' using a standard set of tools and methods such as:

  • traps – Elliot traps, pitfall traps, artificial reptile refugia
  • cameras – ground and arboreal cameras
  • plots – for recording plants, fungi and 'bioturbation'.

Bioturbation is a term that describes the visible tracks and traces of animals or plants reworking (e.g., burrowing, ingesting or defecating) soils and sediments.

Staff setting up a ground camera for baseline surveys in Ngambaa Nature Reserve
Staff conducting false truffle surveys in Ngambaa Nature Reserve


New findings

The baseline surveys found 2 small mammals not previously been recorded in the reserve:

  • long-nosed potoroo
  • eastern chestnut mouse.

Construction is ready to begin

Construction works are expected to take 6 to 8 months to complete. Thirty kilometres of fencing materials, culverts and bridges have been purchased.

Construction works include:

  • clearing the fence corridor
  • building the fence
  • installing the bridge and culvert crossings.

Updates on local conditions

Cedar Park picnic area will remain open during this period.

The following roads will be subject to temporary closures over the course of the construction phase:

  • Wittigs Road
  • parts of Stockyard Creek Road
  • Seams Road
  • Jacks Road
  • Buds Crossing Road

For the latest information on Ngambaa Nature Reserve, and other park closures and conditions go to National Parks and Wildlife Service Local alerts or call National Parks and Wildlife Service on 1300 072 757 (13000 PARKS).

For the latest on road conditions related to this reserve check the Live Traffic NSW website.

Visitor safety will be maintained while construction work takes place. Visitors must follow any on-ground signage directions.