As parks are areas set aside to conserve natural and cultural landscapes and native plants and animals, we encourage alternatives to permanent monuments and plaques. Such alternatives include memorial donations, events and tree plantings.
- Memorials will be allowed, subject to this policy, to recognise connections between the community and parks and commemorate past events or deceased people.
- Memorials will be sympathetic with the cultural landscape and have minimal impact on natural values and visual amenity.
- The type of memorial, its location, setting and design will reflect the significance of the connection between the person, community or event being commemorated and the park.
- Events and donations to the National Parks and Wildlife Foundation will be encouraged as an alternative to monuments and plaques.
- Aboriginal connection to Country must be recognised when considering the appropriateness of a memorial. Aboriginal communities must be consulted about how Aboriginal cultural heritage is publicly presented at the site.
- The diversity of cultures in New South Wales must be taken into account when considering proposals for memorials.