High school students

Explore environmental issues, research local and cultural heritage and get involved in some cool-for-high-school projects.

Native animals

Common wombat walking around.

Have a look through our native animal fact sheets and learn about some of the native mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians that live in New South Wales (NSW).


Fire personnel conducting hazard reduction burn

Find out about fire danger ratings and fire bans, learn how you can prepare for the bushfire season, and see how we manage fire in our parks and reserves.

Climate change

Cracked clay soil during drought

These resources about climate change will help you understand the climate system, climate patterns and how we measure long-term changes in weather and climate.

Citizen science

Citizen science macroinvertebrate project - collecting samples from a creek, WarrumbunglesGet involved in our citizen science program – join a project, meet like-minded people and learn new skills. 

National parks

Nightcap National Park boardwalk

Find out about the National Parks and Wildlife Service and learn about how we manage and conserve protected areas in New South Wales, including natural, historical and cultural features in our national parks.

Threatened species

Learn about some of our threatened species and our work to conserve them and their habitats with our threatened species education resources.

Regent honeyeater (Anthochaera phrygia)

Protected areas

The Walls of China are dramatic formations of sand and silt deposited over tens of thousands of years and sculpted by wind and erosion in Mungo National Park.

There are different types of parks, reserves and protected areas in NSW. Learn about the importance of wilderness, our World Heritage sites and the significant natural and cultural heritage they protect.