Learn from funded projects

Learn more from previous grant projects including case studies showcasing a range of initiatives that are assisting to conserve and enhance the environment of NSW.

Case studies

These case studies are examples of the diverse projects funded by the Trust from 2010 onwards. Each project has demonstrated significant achievement and is helping to conserve and enhance the environment of NSW.

More recent case studies are currently being developed.

Project title Proponent Year Local government area

Powerful Owl (PDF 161KB)

BirdLife Australia



Project title Proponent Year Local government area
Hybrid solar air conditioning systems (PDF 237KB) University of Technology Sydney 2012 statewide

Dynamically downscaled climate projections for the eastern seaboard (PDF 142KB)

University of New South Wales



Project title Proponent Year Local government area

Bush medicines of the Illawarra (PDF 189KB)

Illawarra Aboriginal Corporation



Community projects

Project title Proponent Year Local government area
Ridgelines to rivers (PDF 234KB)

Riverina Highlands Landcare Network



Heritage (now closed)

Project title



Local government area

Centennial Park Ponds – improving the wetland environment (PDF 126KB)

Centennial Parklands Foundation



Government projects

Project title Proponent Year Local government area
Gills Bridge Creek rehabilitation (PDF 317KB)

Kempsey Shire Council



Dissemination program

We add value to grant projects by working with grant recipients to spread the knowledge and experience they’ve gained.

Current and recent dissemination projects are listed below. There is also a list of earlier dissemination projects (DOCX 117KB). Please contact us for more information on any project.

Project name Project leader Product Participants

School environmental art guide

NSW Department of Education

Guide, and lesson plans

Community and school environmental educators, art professionals and industry representatives, local and state government

This dissemination project arises from the grant-funded Environmental Schools Sculpture Prize project, in which grantee Woollahra Municipal Council developed curriculum-linked resources and teacher training. The project will develop, pilot and distribute a guide to running recycled environmental art projects targeting school students and their communities. The guide will draw on the experiences and resources from the previous grant, plus other best-practice examples, and will help organisations to use more rigorous and learning-based approaches in delivering school recycled environmental art projects.

Project name Project leader Product Participants

Multicultural aquatic champions

Greater Sydney Local Land Services

Peer education program and community champion training, schools resource package, webpages

CALD community groups, boating and fishing community/industry organisations, local and state government, schools

This dissemination project builds on a successful grant, managed by Greater Sydney Local Land Services, that promoted the importance of protecting aquatic habitat to culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) boaters and fishers. The project will:
  • implement the multicultural aquatic champions peer-education program
  • train interested members of 2 CALD language communities who are already engaged in boating and fishing to be aquatic champions
  • deliver key messages on how to care for the aquatic environment to their peers and broader communities.

A complementary education resource package linked to the NSW school curriculum will be developed and distributed to selected schools.

Project name Project leader Product Participants

Guide to measuring short-term changes in natural resource management


Assessment guide, data to be fed into the Atlas of Living Australia, presentations

Land managers, Local Land Services, state government, Greening Australia and other relevant organisations

CSIRO researchers completed a Trust-funded research project to assess short-term ecological change in the condition of Box Gum Grassy Woodland sites managed for biodiversity and conservation values. They successfully identified short-term indicators (such as the abundance of litter invertebrates) that can detect improvements in 2 years and be reliably applied by land managers.

This dissemination project will develop and distribute a guide to assessing short-term change in ecological condition of grassy woodlands in NSW, detailing how to collect and interpret data against the identified indicators and input them into an appropriate online citizen-science application. The researchers will also revalidate the short-term indicators over a longer period (6 years).

Project name Project leader Product Participants

Koala movement and use of regenerated bushland

Department of Planning and Environment

Forums, factsheets, website and community liaison

Landowners, local, state and federal government and the community

Liverpool Plains Land Management Committee carried out a restoration and rehabilitation project that researched several aspects of koala behaviour. The project showed the benefit of long-term landscape restoration works to koalas and investigated the types of plantings and the best layouts for koalas.

This dissemination project will provide critical information on koala movement to a range of organisations that may have an impact on the koala (such as local farming communities, mining companies, Local Land Services and local councils] and who want to know what their obligations are under state environment planning policies. The project will close the knowledge gap in NSW about how koalas move through the environment and dispel some long-held myths about koalas. It will:

  • deliver 2 koala forums and publish the findings of these forums in an online e-book
  • produce 3 audience-specific factsheets on koala protection and population movement.

Research reports

From time to time, we commission research to better understand certain environmental issues. The findings may be relevant to others working on the same issues and we want to share them widely.

Our research reports include:

If you would like to use the information in any of these reports, please contact us first for approval.

Coastal rivers and estuaries investigation project 

The Trust engaged the Natural Resources Commission to investigate the health of coastal rivers and estuaries to identify areas where significant improvements could be made. As part of this research, the Commission produced a number of documents including a summary of findings, and Good practices in riparian rehabilitation: Benchmarks for Environmental Trust funded projects. Further details on this project can be found on the Commission’s website.