The Wildlife Management System (WMS) is the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water's online platform for services and transactions related to wildlife licensing. Currently, the Wildlife Management System is only available for licence applications and transactions related to the commercial kangaroo management program. The Wildlife Management System provides access on digital devices to undertake online transactions to:
- apply for a new licence
- apply to renew, vary or extend an existing licence
- apply for tags, registration of premises registrations or other types of approvals where required
- pay instantly if a fee is required
- keep and lodge records
- keep your contact details and business/personal information up to date.
Commercial kangaroo management program licences
Commercial kangaroo management licences are granted on a calendar year basis. New customers and existing licence holders can use the Wildlife Management System to renew or apply for new licences, premises registrations, commercial tags and lodge returns.
Information to help you use the Wildlife Management System is provided on the Support and resources page.
If you are unable to use the online system, contact the Kangaroo Management Program team to discuss other options. This is only available for commercial harvester licensees.
Animal dealers, chiller premises and skin dealers must use the Wildlife Management System to apply for licences and lodge returns.