About the Biodiversity Values Map

The Biodiversity Values Map identifies land with high biodiversity value particularly sensitive to impacts from development and clearing.

The map forms part of the Biodiversity Offsets Scheme threshold, which is one of the entry requirements for determining whether the Biodiversity Offset Scheme applies to a clearing or development proposal.

Values on the Biodiversity Values Map

The Biodiversity Conservation Regulation describes types of land the Environment Agency Head can include on the Biodiversity Values Map. The Biodiversity Values Map is continuously updated. Land types currently not represented on the map will be added in the future. The updates section below provides information about recent changes to the Biodiversity Values Map.

Land type

  1. coastal wetlands and littoral rainforest
  2. core koala habitat identified in an approved koala plan of management
  3. declared Ramsar wetlands
  4. land containing threatened species or threatened ecological communities identified as having potential for serious and irreversible impacts
  5. biodiverse riparian land
  6. high conservation value grasslands or groundcover
  7. old growth forest identified in mapping developed under the National Forests Policy Statement
  8. rainforest identified in mapping developed under the National Forests Policy Statement
  9. declared areas of outstanding biodiversity value
  10. council nominated areas with connectivity or threatened species habitat recommended to the Minister
  11. any other land that in the opinion of the Environment Agency Head is of sufficient biodiversity value to be included.

The Types of Land on the Biodiversity Values Map Guide describes how the mapping is developed for each of the above values and includes a brief description of the type of land, the organisation that develops and maintains the mapping, the process they follow and where more information can be found.

Updates to the Biodiversity Values Map

From time to time, we update the Biodiversity Values Map to add or remove areas based on new information.

Updates to the Biodiversity Values Map will likely include targeted reviews of specific data layers or regions. This process may result in including or removing some lands from the map. We will contact relevant data custodians to request updated or new data.

Areas added to the Biodiversity Values Map in the last 90 days are displayed differently from areas that have been on the map longer than 90 days.

For more information about how colours are used on the map, see Areas added to the Biodiversity Values Map below.

Periodic updates to the Biodiversity Values Map can involve the removal of land based on new information. If you are proposing to undertake a local development on land on the Biodiversity Values Map, it is important to regularly check if your development application site is still on the Biodiversity Values Map during the development application process.

Removal of mapping over the development site may mean that you can avoid or reduce costs associated with developing a Biodiversity Development Assessment Report or meeting biodiversity credit requirements.

Date published Description
27 September 2023
(version 16)
The following changes were made:
  1. changes arising from landholder-initiated map reviews
  2. addition of revised mapping for 3 species
    1. North Rothbury persoonia (Persoonia pauciflora)
    2. Swift parrot
    3. Regent honeyeater
  3. addition of new mapping for 2 threatened species
    1. Spiny gardenia (Randia moorei)
    2. Native jute (Corchorus cunninghamii)
  4. addition of new mapping for 10 threatened ecological communities in the Coffs Harbour local government area
    1. Coastal Saltmarsh in the New South Wales North Coast, Sydney Basin and South East Corner bioregions
    2. Freshwater wetlands on coastal floodplains of the NSW North Coast, Sydney Basin and South East Corner bioregions
    3. Littoral Rainforest in the New South Wales North Coast, Sydney Basin and South East Corner bioregions
    4. Lowland Rainforest in the NSW North Coast and Sydney Basin bioregions
    5. Lowland rainforest on floodplain in the NSW North Coast bioregion
    6. Subtropical coastal floodplain forest of the NSW North Coast bioregion
    7. Swamp oak floodplain forest of the NSW North Coast, Sydney Basin and South East Corner bioregions
    8. Swamp Sclerophyll Forest on Coastal Floodplains of the New South Wales North Coast, Sydney Basin and South East Corner bioregions
    9. Themeda grassland on seacliffs and coastal headlands in the NSW North Coast, Sydney Basin and South East Corner bioregions
    10. White Gum Moist Forest in the NSW North Coast bioregion
  5. refinement of old growth and rainforest mapping
  6. removal of developed land
  7. removal of biocertified land for 45 Mulloway Road, Chain Valley Bay and 77–91 Warnervale Road, Warnervale
  8. removal of Category 1–Exempt Land
  9. colour changes associated with 90-day expiry (dark purple to light purple)
Date published Description
16 May 2023
(version 15)
The Biodiversity Values Map and Threshold Tool (BMAT) report has been updated to include functionality to calculate if the area threshold has been exceeded. The report provides results for determining whether or not a Biodiversity Development Assessment Report (BDAR) is required under the Biodiversity Conservation Regulation 2017 (Section 7.2 & 7.3).

The report provides results for the proposed development footprint area identified by the user. There are two pathways for determining whether or not a BDAR is required for the proposed development:
  • is there Biodiversity Values Mapping?
  • is the 'clearing of native vegetation area threshold' exceeded?
A new Map Method document and a new Guide for Reviewing the Biodiversity Values Map and Threshold Tool area clearing threshold results are available to assist landholders, development proponents and local government.
29 March 2023
(version 15)
The following changes were made:
  1. changes arising from landholder-initiated map reviews
  2. addition of revised mapping for one species
    1. Grevillea caleyi
  3. addition of revised mapping for one threatened ecological community
    1. Robertson Basalt Tall Open Forest in the Sydney Basin and South Eastern Highlands Bioregions Critically Endangered Ecological Community (CEEC)
  4. addition of new mapping for 4 threatened ecological communities
    1. Robertson Rainforest in the Sydney Basin Bioregion EEC
    2. Southern Highlands Shale Woodlands in the Sydney Basin Bioregion Endangered Ecological Community (EEC)
    3. Melaleuca armillaris Tall Shrubland in the Sydney Basin Bioregion Critically Endangered Ecological Community (CEEC)
    4. Tableland Basalt Forest in the Sydney Basin and South Eastern Highlands Bioregions Endangered Ecological Community (EEC)
  5. refinement of old growth and rainforest mapping
  6. addition of one new Ramsar Wetland
    1. Caryapundy Swamp
  7. removal of developed land
  8. removal of biocertified land under the Cumberland Plains Conservation Plan
  9. removal of Category 1–Exempt Land
  10. colour changes associated with 90-day expiry (dark purple to light purple)
26 September 2022
(version 14)
The following changes were made:
  1. changes arising from landholder-initiated map reviews
  2. addition of revised mapping for 3 species
    1. Genoplesium insigne
    2. Thelymitra adorata
    3. Regent Honeyeater
  3. addition of new mapping for 5 species
    1. Asterolasia buxifolia
    2. Astrotricha sp. Wallagaraugh
    3. Corunastylis sp. Charmhaven
    4. Genoplesium baueri
    5. Kardomia prominens
  4. refinement of old growth and rainforest mapping
  5. removal of developed land
  6. removal of Category 1–Exempt Land
  7. colour changes associated with 90-day expiry (dark purple to light purple)
28 March 2022
(version 13)
The following changes were made:
  1. changes arising from landholder-initiated map reviews
  2. addition of revised mapping for 4 species – 
    1. Diuris flavescens
    2. Genoplesium littorale
    3. Genoplesium plumosum
    4. Swift parrot
  3. addition of new mapping for one species –
    1. Blue Mountains water skink
  4. refinement of old growth and rainforest mapping
  5. removal of developed land
  6. removal of Category 1–Exempt Land
  7. colour changes associated with 90-day expiry (dark purple to light purple)
  8. enhancement to the BMAT Tool to increase zoom from 1:2250 to 1:282
27 September 2021
(version 12)
The following changes were made:
  1. changes arising from landholder–initiated map reviews
  2. addition of revised mapping for two species –
    1. Prasophyllum bagoense
    2. Pomaderris delicata
    3. Pomaderris reperta
    4. Plains Wanderer
    5. Callistemon purpurascens
    6. Callistemon megalongensis
  3. addition of new mapping for five species –
    1. Prasophyllum keltonii
    2. Jalmenus eubulus
    3. Calidris ferruginea
    4. Yellow spotted tree frog
    5. Thick-billed Grasswren
  4. addition of core koala habitat identified in the Byron Koala Plan of Management and the Tweed Koala Plan of Management
  5. refinement of old growth and rainforest mapping
  6. removal of developed land
  7. removal of Category 1 – Exempt Land
  8. colour changes associated with 90-day expiry (dark purple to light purple)
27 November 2020
(version 11)
The following changes were made:
  1. changes arising from landholder-initiated map reviews
  2. addition of revised mapping for 7 species –
    1. Eucalyptus sp. cattai
    2. Myriophyllum implicatum
    3. Gentiana wingecarribiensis
    4. Swift parrot
    5. Pterostylis ventricosa
    6. Prasophyllum sp. Moama
    7. Pterostylis despectans
  3. addition of new mapping for 3 species –
    1. Zieria obcordata
    2. Bellinger River snapping turtle
    3. Thelymitra kangaloonica
  4. addition of revised mapping for 11 threatened ecological communities –
    1. Agnes Banks Woodland in the Sydney Basin Bioregion critically endangered ecological communities
    2. Blue Gum High Forest in the Sydney Basin Bioregion critically endangered ecological communities
    3. Cumberland Plain Woodland in the Sydney Basin Bioregion critically endangered ecological communities
    4. Elderslie Banksia Scrub Forest in the Sydney Basin Bioregion critically endangered ecological communities
    5. Shale Sandstone Transition Forest in the Sydney Basin Bioregion critically endangered ecological communities
    6. Sun Valley Cabbage Gum Forest in the Sydney Basin Bioregion critically endangered ecological communities
    7. Sydney Turpentine Ironbark Forest in the Sydney Basin Bioregion critically endangered ecological communities
    8. Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub in the Sydney Basin Bioregion endangered ecological communities
    9. Blue Mountains Basalt Forest in the Sydney Basin Bioregion endangered ecological communities
    10. Cooks River/Castlereagh Ironbark Forest in the Sydney Basin Bioregion endangered ecological communities
    11. Duffys Forest Ecological Community in the Sydney Basin Bioregion endangered ecological communities
  5. addition of new mapping for 3 threatened ecological communities –
    1. Hygrocybeae Community of Lane Cove Bushland Park in the Sydney Basin Bioregion critically endangered ecological communities
    2. Maroota Sands Swamp Forest endangered ecological communities
    3. Pittwater and Wagstaffe Spotted Gum Forest in the Sydney Basin Bioregion endangered ecological communities
  6. addition of core koala habitat identified in the Campbelltown Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management
  7. addition of core koala habitat identified in 3 Individual koala plans of management for land in the Port Macquarie Hastings local government area
  8. refinement of old growth and rainforest mapping
  9. removal of developed land
  10. colour changes associated with 90-day expiry (dark purple to light purple)
27 May 2020
(version 10)
The following changes were made:
  • addition of revised mapping for the Regent Honeyeater
  • addition of mapping for Calotis moorei
  • changes resulting from landholder-initiated map reviews
  • refinement of old growth and rainforest mapping
  • removal of buildings and recently developed subdivisions
  • change of map colour from dark purple to light purple for areas added to the map in version 9 now that the 90-day period has expired.
  • enhancement to the BMAT Tool to increase zoom from 1:4500 to 1:2000
26 February 2020
(version 9)
The following changes were made:
  • update to core koala habitat mapping
  • changes resulting from landholder-initiated map reviews
  • changes to SAII entity mapping due to the update of NVR Category 1 –  exempt land
  • refinement of old growth and rainforest mapping
  • changes to Genoplesium insigne mapping
  • removal of biocertified land in Mt Gilead Stage 1
  • change of map colour from dark purple to light purple for areas added to the map in version 8 now that the 90-day period has expired.
27 November 2019
(version 8)
The following changes were made:
  • changes resulting from landholder initiated map reviews
  • refinement of old growth and rainforest mapping
  • change of map colour from dark purple to light purple for areas added to the map in version 7 now that the 90-day period has expired.
28 August 2019
(version 7)

The following changes were made:

  • updates to mapping of critically endangered orchid Pterostylis vernalis resulting from revised map method
  • changes resulting from landholder initiated map reviews
  • refinement of old growth and rainforest mapping
  • change of map colour from dark purple to light purple for areas added to the map in version 6 now that the 90-day period has expired.
29 May 2019
(version 6)

The following changes were made:

  • updates to mapping of critically endangered orchid Pterostylis ventricosa resulting from revised map method
  • changes resulting from landholder initiated map reviews
  • removal of small areas of mapped land on the Biodiversity Values Map due to incorporation of updates to Category 1 - exempt land on the Native Vegetation Regulatory Map
  • removal of Port Macquarie Airport lands following biocertification
  • refinement of old growth and rainforest mapping
  • refinement of protected riparian land
  • change of map colour from dark purple to light purple for areas added to the map in version 5 now that the 90-day period has expired.
27 February 2019
(version 5)

The following changes were made:

  • changes arising from the amended Coastal Management SEPP coastal wetlands and littoral rainforests mapping, which commenced on 17 December 2018
  • corrections to the Lismore comprehensive koala management plan – core koala habitat
  • changes resulting from landholder-initiated map reviews
  • enhancements to the BMAT Tool:

–   to enable users to determine types of biodiversity values at a location

–   to include on the Tool Report the date when 90 days expires for areas added in the most recent version of the map.

14 December 2018
(version 4)
Changes resulting from landholder initiated map reviews.
9 November 2018
(version 3)

The following changes were made:

  • Addition of core areas of the Coastal Management State Environment Planning Policy (SEPP) replacing the former SEPP 14 – Coastal Wetlands and SEPP 26 – Littoral Rainforest
  • Removal of biocertified areas not applicable to the biodiversity offset scheme
  • Addition of revised Port Stephens & Kempsey comprehensive koala plans of management – core koala habitat
  • Removal of protected riparian land on urban zoned land
  • Changes resulting from landholder initiated map reviews
  • Refinement of threatened species and communities’ habitat mapping in the Alpine Resorts SEPP area
  • Adjusted map colours identifying areas added to the BV Map in the last 90 days
  • Removal of habitat mapping for the five-clawed worm skink
  • Refinement of mapping displayed on the BV Map.

See the BV Map – version 3 fact sheet for more information on these changes.

13 December 2017
(version 2)

Addition of mapping for:

  • the little penguin declared area of outstanding biodiversity value at Manly (referred to as critical habitat under the former Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995)
  • One threatened ecological community and four threatened species on land covered by the State Environmental Planning Policy (Kosciuszko National Park—Alpine Resorts) 2007.

25 August 2017
(version 1)

Release of the original state-wide map

Areas added to the Biodiversity Values Map

If a Development Application is submitted for land mapped as 'added to the Biodiversity Values Map in the last 90 days', the application does not exceed the Biodiversity Offset Scheme threshold. Areas added to the Biodiversity Values Map in the last 90 days are dark purple. Areas shown on the map longer than 90 days are light purple.

For areas added in the last 90 days, the report generated by the Biodiversity Values Map and Threshold Tool states when this 90-day period expires. If you lodge a Development Application after this date, a Biodiversity Development Assessment Report will be required for clearing in these areas. As development applications are not considered formally lodged until the fees are paid, proponents with land added to the Biodiversity Values Map in the last 90 days should submit their Development Application with the council at least 2 weeks before the 90-day period expires to allow time for the fees to be determined and paid.