BioNet vegetation maps

BioNet vegetation maps data collection supports discovery and access to NSW vegetation map information, including the State Vegetation Type Map.

The BioNet Vegetation Maps data, which was previously known as the Vegetation Information System Map Catalogue, has now been integrated into the SEED environmental data portal.

In SEED over 800 vegetation maps can be discovered, downloaded or viewed in context with other environmental map layers. Work is underway to enable map views for all map products.

If available, the following resources are included for each map:

  • web map services (WMS)
  • downloadable geographical information system (GIS) data
  • metadata, including technical reports
  • images of cartographic map products

Vegetation type maps

Vegetation type maps classify and map vegetation by communities, floristic or structural typologies. The BioNet Vegetation Map collection includes vegetation maps of varying quality, currency and typology. You should choose maps from the catalogue that are appropriate for your needs.

The collection includes the standardised regional scale State Vegetation Type Map produced under the State Vegetation Type Mapping (SVTM) data program.  This standardised map is based on the NSW classification hierarchy including plant community types, vegetation classes and vegetation formations, and conforms with the BioNet Vegetation Map Data Standard.  

The collection also contains an aggregation of non-standardised historic and contemporary vegetation maps. Discover and access these products in the SEED Environmental Data Portal.  

Since 2020, work has moved away from maintaining a catalogue of non-standardised maps because map custodians are now well equipped to publish their own maps through SEED. Focus has instead shifted to maintaining the new State Vegetation Type Map.

Vegetation extent and condition maps

As well as vegetation type maps, there are a number of important ancillary vegetation data products now available from the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. These include vegetation extent, vegetation condition, ground cover and biomass. Visit Vegetation extent and condition products for an overview and access.

Metadata, standards, guidelines and licensing

Primary custodianship (or ownership) of datasets may be held by the department, local councils, catchment management authorities, other government agencies or private individuals. Data is held, displayed and distributed under appropriate licence agreements with the relevant custodian.

We make relevant datasets available under Creative Commons (CC-BY 4.0) licence in line with the NSW Government Open Data Policy. If you have concerns about how data is displayed or distributed, please contact

All map products have ANZLIC compliant metadata (AS/NZS ISO 19115:2005) available. This metadata is publicly searchable through the SEED environmental data portal and is copied through to the Data NSW portal.

The BioNet Vegetation Map Data Standard sets out the data fields and terminology required for standardised vegetation mapping in New South Wales at a regional, local and property scale. This standard provides guidance for organisations and consultants needing to produce vegetation maps in New South Wales that maximise alignment with the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 assessment methods, and maximise integration with BioNet data products and BioNet web services.

The Native Vegetation Interim Type Standards (PDF 1.6MB) provides general guidelines for the survey, classification and type mapping of native vegetation.

The Vegetation Map Catalogue: Map Layer Naming Protocol (PDF 114KB) outlines the convention used to name map data files held in the catalogue.

The National Vegetation Information System

The National Vegetation Information System (NVIS) and the Attribute Manual (version 6) that were developed by the Australian Government in partnership with the States aims to standardise a variety of vegetation maps and products. 

The department supplies vegetation data to National Vegetation Information System on behalf of NSW Government. Up until 2016 data was supplied using best available vegetation type mapping according to NVIS levels 5 & 6 attribute format. With the release of the seamless State Vegetation Type Map, the way we supply data to National Vegetation Information System is changing. From NVIS version 7 onwards the State Vegetation Type Map and Plant Community Type classification are included as the primary NSW data source.

How you can contribute

We rely on contributions and feedback from data custodians and users to maintain and improve the vegetation map collection. If you would like to add a dataset to the catalogue, contact SEED.

Provide feedback directly on a SVTM map (or other map products) via the SEED map explained in this instructional video.

For any other feedback or support contact the BioNet team.