The legislation delivers a strategic approach to conservation in NSW, while supporting improved farm productivity and sustainable development.
Visit the NSW Government’s land management and biodiversity conservation reforms webpage for more information.
Legislation reforms independent review panel
The Independent Biodiversity Legislation Review Panel presented its final report, A review of biodiversity legislation (PDF 1.7MB) to Government on 18 December 2014. The report included recommendations to improve the legislative and policy framework for biodiversity conservation and native vegetation management in New South Wales.
In March 2015, the NSW Government committed to implementing all 43 recommendations in the report.
Public consultation and submissions
On 3 May 2016 the NSW Government released a draft package of land management and biodiversity conservation reforms in response to the Independent Biodiversity Legislation Review Panel's recommendations.
The draft packages included the draft Biodiversity Conservation Bill and the draft Bill to amend the Local Land Services Act 2013, as well as other supporting products. The draft package was on public exhibition for eight weeks from 3 May to 28 June 2016 to allow stakeholders and the community to have their say. The submissions, and the summary of submissions report have been moved to an archive page on the land management and biodiversity conservation reforms webpage.
In November 2016, Parliament passed the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 and the Local Land Services Amendment Act 2016. The supporting regulations and other subordinate instruments were on public exhibition between 10 May and 21 June 2017.The submissions, and the summary of submissions report have been moved to an archive page on the land management and biodiversity conservation reforms webpage.