Learn how to identify a cane toad
It can be difficult to tell the difference between a cane toad and a native frog. Native frogs are protected and must not be killed.
Find out what cane toads look and sound like.
Remove toad temptations and make your home a ‘Cane Toad Free Zone’
- Cover or bring in pet food at night as it attracts cane toads.
- Remove standing water. Toads need access to water every 2 days to rehydrate.
- Remove rubbish and other debris so cane toads cannot shelter under it during the day.
- Keep your outside lights off when not needed. Cane toads like night-time lighting because it attracts moths and other insects for them to feast on.
- Keep toads out by creating a barrier. Cane toads are not good climbers and quite poor jumpers. Use a barrier made of a smooth solid material, which is at least 50 cm high and secured into the ground to keep cane toads out of your yard.
Learn about humane methods for collecting and killing cane toads
Cane toads should be collected and held in containers that are closed and adequately ventilated.
When killing toads, humane procedures must always be used. These procedures must avoid distress, be reliable and produce rapid loss of consciousness without pain until death occurs. Some methods of euthanasia require that toads be physically restrained. Proper handling and restraint are essential to minimise pain, fear, distress and anxiety experienced by the animal.
Euthanasia guidelines have been developed for the humane killing and disposal of this pest animal. Stunning followed by decapitation is the procedure recommended for experienced and skilled persons. Spraying the toad with HopStop® is also conditionally acceptable.
Methods which are NOT recommended for the humane and effective killing of cane toads include rapid freezing, cooling followed by freezing or using household products such as Dettol®.
If you catch a cane toad and are unsure of how to euthanise it, contact your local NPWS office or take the toad to a local vet.
Dispose of toads humanely and carefully
Even freshly killed toads can poison animals. Use gloves to protect yourself and place them in a container before disposing in your covered compost or garbage bin.
Report the finding
Contact your local council or local NPWS office or the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.
You can also report, record and map sightings of cane toads, the problems they cause, and control activities in your local area at ToadScan.