Rehome a Kosciuszko wild horse

The Wild Horse Rehoming Program has recommenced.

NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service is currently finalising updated rehoming procedures and guidelines in response to outcomes of the independent investigation into the administration of the rehoming program. These will soon be released, to support all prospective rehomers to be assessed for approval to receive wild horses.

In late July, we started the process of identifying, assessing and establishing trap sites. Given the time taken for new sites to be established, combined with current weather conditions, it will likely be at least 8 to 10 weeks before horses can be offered to approved rehomers.

Wild Horse Rehoming Program review

In late April, the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water commissioned an independent expert review of its Wild Horse Rehoming Program following media commentary regarding potential misadministration of the program in Kosciusko National Park.

The report was received on 18 June 2024 and contains 4 key recommendations. The department accepts all recommendations in principle.

The report is available, redacted to preserve the privacy of the department's staff.

Read the Investigation report