Physical evidence of Aboriginal occupation and history can be seen across the landscape of New South Wales in many diverse natural forms such as rock art and stone tools. Aboriginal culture is connected to Country, including waterways, animals and plants. These sites and elements of the landscape are associated with Dreaming stories and cultural learning. They include, but are not limited to:
- shell middens
- stone artefact scatters
- isolated artefacts
- grinding grooves
- rock art and engravings
- rock shelters
- scarred trees
- stone arrangements
- stone and ochre quarries
- fish traps
- water holes
- burials.
Our program
We partner with Aboriginal communities to do on-ground works to conserve Aboriginal cultural heritage.
On-ground conservation works aim to repair damage caused by:
- ageing, weathering or other natural processes
- vandalism or inappropriate land uses.
We use various practices and techniques to conserve the different types of sites and objects.
Aboriginal objects, significant sites and declared Aboriginal places are managed and protected under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974.
Requirements for preparing Aboriginal cultural heritage management plans
An Aboriginal cultural heritage management plan (ACH management plan) provides direction for the day-to-day management of Aboriginal cultural heritage to ensure cultural values are protected. It is a management tool for development or conservation projects which affect Aboriginal cultural heritage to ensure consent conditions are met. ACH management plans should be prepared by project managers in consultation with the Aboriginal community.
ACH management plans are commonly needed for state significant projects (e.g. state significant development and state significant infrastructure) but can also be used with an Aboriginal heritage impact permit, or for conservation projects.
Each section below describes a key part of an ACH management plan and how to prepare one according to our requirements.
We also have a checklist to help you prepare your plan.