Assets of Intergenerational Significance conservation action plans consultation

NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service will seek and consider your feedback on draft conservation action plans for Assets of Intergenerational Significance before adopting the plans.

To date, 279 sites have been declared as Assets of Intergenerational Significance across 127 national parks, protecting the key habitat for:

  • 77 threatened plant species, including the previously declared Wollemi pine
  • 31 threatened animal species
  • 6 locally extinct mammals which have been reintroduced to 4 of the feral predator-free fenced areas.

The numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus) is presumed extinct in New South Wales

An Asset of Intergenerational Significance can be any area of exceptional value – environmental or cultural – that warrants special protection including dedicated management measures.

For each Asset of Intergenerational Significance, National Parks and Wildlife Service has a statutory obligation to prepare and implement a concise conservation action plan which sets out:

  • the environmental and cultural values of the land
  • key risks to those values
  • management activities to address and mitigate the risks – such as dedicated feral animal control or fire management
  • actions to measure and report on the health and condition of the declared value.

Consultation on draft plans

Currently, there are 6 conservation action plans open for public comment until 12 September 2024.

View the draft conservation action plans

Have your say

The draft conservation action plans are on exhibition from 29 August to 12 September 2024.

You can provide your feedback by sending a written submission via:

  • the online submission form
  • email to
  • post to –
    Manager, Threatened Species, Biodiversity and Ecological Health Branch
    Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
    Locked Bag 5022
    Parramatta NSW 2124

We will consider all submissions and make any required amendments before the conservation action plans are approved and adopted.

Once the conservation action plans are adopted, they are published on the Assets of Intergenerational Significance web page.

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The information you provide in this form will be used only for the purpose for which it was collected. By submitting this form you consent to the storage, use and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with our privacy policy. You can request access and amendment of your personal information.

The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water must comply with the NSW Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 which regulates the collection, storage, quality, use and disclosure of personal information.

For more information see our privacy page and Access to information page.

Online submission form

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