Kosciuszko Offset Project

The National Parks and Wildlife Service has developed the Kosciuszko Offset Project to manage the offset funds received due to Snowy 2.0 activities in Kosciuszko National Park.

Snow gum trees (Eucalyptus pauciflora), Kosciuszko National ParkUnder the conditions specified in the Snowy 2.0 planning approvals, Snowy Hydro Limited must pay offsets to the National Parks and Wildlife Service for the residual impacts of the project on biodiversity, recreation and heritage.

The Kosciuszko Offset Project includes:

  • a program framework
  • a prioritisation plan
  • the Kosciuszko Offset Strategy for biodiversity
  • a recreation strategy
  • a heritage strategy
  • Kosciuszko offset action plans for each threatened species, threatened ecological community and ecosystem identified in the Kosciuszko Offset Strategy.

Kosciuszko Offset Strategy

The Kosciuszko Offset Strategy is the biodiversity strategy for the Kosciuszko Offset Project. It sets a framework to deliver a biodiversity gain in Kosciuszko National Park equivalent to 120% of the biodiversity loss identified in the Snowy 2.0 environmental assessments.

The strategy provides for actions that will generate a benefit exceeding the requirements of the New South Wales and Australian Government offset conditions. Specifically, this means generating a net conservation gain for identified threatened species, threatened ecological communities and ecosystems.

Read the Kosciuszko Offset Strategy and Kosciuszko Offset Strategy – Attachment.

Kosciuszko offset action plans

We will develop Kosciuszko offset action plans for each threatened species, threatened ecological communities and ecosystems impacted by Snowy 2.0, as listed in the Kosciuszko Offset Strategy.

The plans provide details on:

  • objectives and targets
  • specific actions
  • threats being addressed
  • locations within Kosciuszko National Park where actions will take place, when these actions will occur, and costs associated with each action.

Offset action plans also detail how biodiversity benefits will be measured – the attributes to be measured, the metric used, methodology and monitoring design, timing and frequency of measurement, and associated costs.

Kosciuszko offset action plans developed under the Kosciuszko Offset Strategy are: