Stream 1: Coast and estuary planning
Applications will initially be checked to confirm eligibility, that correct categories have been selected and for completeness.
Ineligible or incomplete applications will not be assessed.
Where applicable and possible, an application may be moved to a more appropriate program stream for assessment.
Applications will be assessed against the following criteria:
- demonstrated need and importance for the project
- the method proposed to undertake the work is sound
- the project is value for money/reasonable cost (compared to similar projects)
- if cost benefit analysis (CBA) related, does it align with the procedures outlined in the Coastal Management Manual.
Department technical specialists and the Principal Coastal Specialist or Principal Estuary Specialist conduct this assessment. A numerical scoring system is used in the evaluation of applications against the above criteria, and an overall statement is made on each application.
Applications are approved under delegation by the Director Grants.
Streams 2 to 5: Implementing actions
Applications will initially be checked to confirm eligibility and completeness. Ineligible incomplete or late applications will not be assessed.
The department's technical specialists will then assess applications and then an independent State Assessment Panel, which includes experts and stakeholder representation, against assessment criteria to prioritise applications on a statewide basis.
The applications will be assessed against the following criteria:
- action is identified in a certified coastal zone management plan/coastal management program (except for exempt activities)
- the project aligns to statewide, and this grant program's priorities and objectives
- the project meets one or more of the management objectives for the relevant coastal management area
- the applicant has the capacity to deliver the project and has available resources, and the proposed timeframe is suitable. Previous grant management history is considered (if an applicant has a poor grant delivery history, additional conditions may be added should the application be successful)
- commitment to maintaining works in a condition suitable to meet its design intent for the design life
- the extent to which the project cost-effectively addresses one or more of the program stream objectives
- technical feasibility and implementation of best practice
- the immediacy of any threats
- the environmental benefit of the project.
A numerical score will be given to each application by the department's technical specialists and each member of the panel, based on how it addresses the above criteria.
The State Assessment Panel consists of a Chair and stakeholders/independent technical experts. Applications are recommended for funding by the panel and approved under delegation by the Coordinator-General, Environment and Heritage.
Note: An application will be awarded a reduced ranking if it is not well thought out, has unclear objectives or outcomes, will only partially achieve program objectives or does not meet funding priorities.
Stream 6: Significant open coast hazards
Applications will initially be checked to confirm eligibility and completeness.
Applications will only be considered if the works are urgent and cannot wait until the next funding round. Substantial justification as to why the works are urgent must be provided.
A rapid assessment method will be applied for applications lodged following a coastal erosion or coastal inundation emergency. The rapid assessment method will involve convening an Internal Technical Review Panel as a substitute for the external State Assessment Panel.
Applications will be assessed by department technical specialists against the funding objectives and priorities. Applications are approved under delegation by the Coordinator-General, Environment and Heritage.
The council must demonstrate that the action:
- is identified in a certified coastal zone management plan/emergency action sub-plan or coastal management program
- will result in an overall reduction in the risk from coastal hazards in the short and/or medium term
- will deliver broad public benefit, allow public assets to be appropriately managed and has community support
- are no regrets and enable costs to be managed sustainably into the future
- has an overall environmental, social and economic benefits, which outweigh the costs based on a qualitative assessment
- has appropriate cost sharing arrangements.
Under this stream, councils may be eligible for completed or planned emergency works. The success of councils in obtaining funding will be determined by the extent to which the actions deliver broad public benefits to the NSW community or result in beneficial outcomes for public assets. Applications will be assessed on their alignment with the certified coastal zone management plan/coastal management program, the extent to which the actions deliver broad public benefits to the NSW community or result in beneficial outcomes for public assets.
Environmental, social, cultural and economic benefits will also be considered. Funding arrangements must reflect the 'beneficiary pays' principle.