If you work for local government and have a question about a specific project in the region, please contact us.
For a detailed list of local government areas and relevant department planning contacts see LGA and DCCEEW Planning Contacts (DOCX 25KB).
Region | Division | Contact |
Greater Sydney | Climate Change and Sustainability | Planning Team (via BAM Support Team) PO Box 644, Parramatta 2124 |
North | Hunter Central Coast, Biodiversity and Conservation | Planning Team Locked Bag 1002, Dangar 2309 |
North East, Biodiversity and Conservation | Planning Team Locked Bag 914, Coffs Harbour 2450 Tel: 02 6659 8200 |
North West, Biodiversity and Conservation | Planning Team PO Box 2111, Dubbo 2830 Tel: 02 6883 5330 |
South | South West, Biodiversity and Conservation | Planning Team PO Box 1040, Albury 2640 Tel: 02 6022 0624 |
South East, Biodiversity and Conservation | Planning Team PO Box 733, Queanbeyan 2620 Tel: 02 6229 7188 |
Illawarra, Biodiversity and Conservation | Planning Team PO Box 513, Wollongong 2520 Tel: 02 4224 4150 |