Regional contacts

We have a regional presence across New South Wales with our planning teams working to support local government to implement the Biodiversity Offsets Scheme at a local and regional level.

If you work for local government and have a question about a specific project in the region, please contact us.

For a detailed list of local government areas and relevant department planning contacts see LGA and DCCEEW Planning Contacts (DOCX 25KB).

Region  Division Contact
Greater Sydney Climate Change and Sustainability  Planning Team (via BAM Support Team)
PO Box 644, Parramatta 2124
North Hunter Central Coast, Biodiversity and Conservation Planning Team
Locked Bag 1002, Dangar 2309
  North East, Biodiversity and Conservation Planning Team
Locked Bag 914, Coffs Harbour 2450
Tel: 02 6659 8200
  North West, Biodiversity and Conservation Planning Team
PO Box 2111, Dubbo 2830
Tel: 02 6883 5330
South  South West, Biodiversity and Conservation  Planning Team
PO Box 1040, Albury 2640
Tel: 02 6022 0624
  South East, Biodiversity and Conservation  Planning Team
PO Box 733, Queanbeyan 2620
Tel: 02 6229 7188
  Illawarra, Biodiversity and Conservation  Planning Team
PO Box 513, Wollongong 2520
Tel: 02 4224 4150