Schedules of the Biodiversity Conservation Act

Schedules 1 to 4 of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 list threatened species, populations and ecological communities, extinct species and key threatening processes for NSW native plants and animals.

A copy of the schedules is available on the NSW Legislation website.

Summary of schedules

Species summary as at 13 September 2024

Threatened species (critically endangered, endangered and vulnerable) 981
Extinct species 72
Threatened populations 43
Threatened ecological communities 111
Key threatening processes 39


  Critically endangered Endangered Vulnerable Extinct Endangered populations
Amphibians 6 16 10 0 1
Reptiles 5 25 23 1 1
Birds 13 24 96 14 5
Mammals 3 19 37 25 6
Marine mammals 0 3 3 0 0
Invertebrates 10 13 2 1 1
Plants 105 337 220 31 29
Alga 1 1 0 0 0
Fungi 5 4 0 0
Subtotal 143 443 395 72 43
Ecological communities 26 81 4 0  

Minor amendments to the schedules

These determinations make minor amendments to update the taxonomic name of species or to correct other minor errors or omissions in the schedules.

Minor amendments are not put on public exhibition for comment.

Amendments to the Schedules for individual species or communities are included in final determinations.