Small businesses: catalysts for NSW conservation

Small businesses prove size is not a barrier to conserving biodiversity.

Small businesses in NSW are proving that size is not a barrier to making a difference in biodiversity conservation. While the efforts of individual small businesses might seem modest, their collective impact can be substantial. When small enterprises across NSW adopt sustainable practices and support conservation initiatives, the cumulative effect can lead to significant improvements in biodiversity.

How small businesses are contributing

Dan Macias, General Manager, Membership, Partnerships, and Strategy for Business NSW says 'Business NSW collaborates with the Saving our Species program, whose collective efforts in biodiversity conservation are crucial in safeguarding threatened species and ensuring a sustainable future for all.'

'Small businesses can play a crucial role in educating the broader community. Some are developing innovative models that integrate conservation into their core operations to benefit local ecosystems and share the benefits with their customers' says Dan.  

Small green plant growing among dry brown grass in sunlit soil.

Three examples of NSW small businesses leading the way

Several small businesses in NSW, across a range of sectors, are already making significant strides in integrating biodiversity and conservation into their business operations.

Tourism operators

A family-owned business in the Northern Rivers region is showing how the tourism industry can coexist with and benefit local biodiversity and threatened species, through:

  • Taking proactive steps to restore and enhance natural habitats on the property
  • Habitat restoration that provides essential resources like food and shelter to local wildlife that also contributes to maintaining healthy ecological balance within the region.

Cafes and restaurants

Cafes, restaurants and event spaces in the Sydney metropolitan region, are transforming industrial areas into green spaces with extensive gardens, which supports urban wildlife and provides a model for sustainable urban development.

Hospitality sector

Many regionally-based breweries and distilleries are committing to sustainability and supporting local conservation projects such as restoring habitats and protecting threatened wildlife.

Coastal cafe with outdoor deck, serving customers overlooking ocean and trees.The power of collective impact 

Business NSW and Saving our Species are calling on NSW small businesses to help us improve biodiversity. When it comes to conservation, every bit counts.

If you are a small business keen to make a big difference, start a conversation with us about conservation today or contact for a partner information pack.