Partner with Saving our Species

Start a conversation about conservation and help secure our biodiversity for future generations.

Biodiversity decline is one of the greatest challenges of our generation and threatened species are warning signs that our biodiversity is in trouble. Collaboration is critical to achieve the impact needed for conservation.

By partnering with Saving our Species, you can help secure the future for NSW’s threatened species.

Saving our Species is the NSW Government’s commitment to saving plants and animals at risk of extinction. In a world of accelerating change and threats to our environment, securing our threatened species and ecological communities in the wild has never been more important.

Find out more about the Saving our Species program.

Threatened species conservation is a complex and ongoing process. It requires sustained efforts, financial resources, and a multi-faceted approach involving scientists, universities, businesses, government and local communities.

The ultimate goal is to prevent the further extinction of our unique species and maintain biodiversity for the benefit of present and future generations.

Saving our Species seeks partners who share our commitment to:

  • address the crises of nature loss
  • secure our threatened species in the wild for the next 100 years.

Results show that this coordinated effort is making a significant impact.

For example, we’re partnering with 5 organisations in our Co-investment Program. Between 2022 and 2026 this work will deliver projects for 10 threatened species and ecological communities.

Read about some of our other partnerships for wildlife conservation and find out how partners are working with Saving our Species to bring about change.

Partnerships like the one that WWF has with Saving our Species are vital for leveraging investment so that we have impact at scale. I wish every state had an SoS team like the NSW Government has.

World Wildlife Fund Australia

What if your organisation had the ability to save a threatened species from the brink of extinction? Imagine how powerful that could be. How would your brand be perceived by your customers, stakeholders and employees?

Achieving large-scale environmental outcomes can only be realised with purpose-driven partnerships built on a shared vision and goals. Saving our Species seeks to form impactful partnerships with:

  • businesses of all sizes
  • individuals
  • universities
  • other government agencies and non-government organisations
  • not-for-profit organisations.

These partnerships help to deliver a range of projects that make a difference to threatened plants and animals across a range of essential ecosystems.

A big part of our purpose is working together for a better tomorrow. A great example is being able to work with Saving our Species to help some incredible species and seeing the survival rates, these are incredibly proud moments for the business.

Woolworths Group

Start a conversation about conservation

Complete our expression of interest form to find out more about partnering with the Saving our Species program.

Small businesses: catalysts for NSW conservation

Small businesses prove size is not a barrier to conserving biodiversity.

  • 04 Sep 2024

Transgrid races to respond to a fire-ravaged threatened species

This large corporation has partnered with Saving our Species to fund conservation actions for an endangered plant population.

  • 03 Jun 2024

These superb partners are uniting to save a threatened green parrot

Each project partner brings a unique quality to conserve this spectacular parrot.

  • 09 May 2024

Partnering to save a critically endangered 'jewel of the woodlands'

Partners are working together to protect the regent honeyeater’s fading chorus, and there’s still much to be done.

  • 13 Mar 2024

Scientists find life-saving greenspots for threatened species in outback

Saving our Species is funding a project to identify and investigate crucial wildlife refuges in arid landscapes of New South Wales.

  • 12 Mar 2024