The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water works with communities and with other agencies to protect wetlands across New South Wales.
The main wetland protection activities include:
Find out about the programs, policies and activities that help threatened wetlands survive and thrive.
The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water works with communities and with other agencies to protect wetlands across New South Wales.
The main wetland protection activities include:
The department has invested in recovery programs to help restore wetlands that have been affected by different threats.
These programs included:
The department also invests in the Living Murray program, which has bought 500 gigalitres of water and is improving infrastructure to benefit wetland sites along the Murray River. These sites include the Millewa Forests, Koondrook-Perricoota Forests and Chowilla wetlands.
The Living Murray program is jointly funded by the Commonwealth, NSW, Victorian, South Australian and ACT Governments.
The department plans and manages the delivery of environmental water in New South Wales. This provides inland wetlands with enough water to support their plants and animals, and it improves habitat for native fish.
Environmental water is delivered to many significant inland wetlands, including:
This has helped overcome the long-lasting impacts of drought, made the most of rainfall and restored many plants and animals.
The following policies, Acts and guidelines help to protect and conserve wetlands in New South Wales:
The NSW Government has acquired wetlands to add to protected areas under its conservation reserve system. This ensures they are managed and protected over the long term.
About 19% of coastal wetlands and 7% of inland wetlands are managed within reserves.
Since 2005, governments have added more than 200,000 hectares of wetlands in the Murray, Darling, Murrumbidgee, Macquarie and Gwydir catchments to the NSW reserve system.
In 2010, river red gum wetlands in the Millewa Forests on the Murray River and along the Murrumbidgee and Lachlan rivers were protected as a NSW national park, in recognition of their status as internationally significant wetlands listed under the Ramsar Convention.
Many NSW wetlands are on private land. They include upland swamps, lagoons, billabongs and riverine wetlands.
Landowners can protect wetlands on their property through a Conservation Agreement or Wildlife Refuge.
These agreements and refuges provide long-term legal protection for wetlands and the plants and animals that live in them.
Examples of wetlands protected in this way include:
Monitoring and evaluation are important tools for determining the health of NSW wetlands and how effective site management strategies are.
For example, the 3-yearly State of the Environment reports (published by the Environment Protection Authority) cover the status of wetlands. These were some of the findings of the NSW State of the Environment 2015 report:
Important monitoring activities for NSW wetlands include:
The department carries out research into the condition of wetlands in New South Wales.
This research has shown that many wetlands have been degraded due to the various threats they face. For example, losses of regional wetlands in New South Wales have ranged from 40% to 80% since European settlement.
Some areas, such as the Gwydir Wetlands, have lost up to 92% of their floodplain wetlands since river regulation began.
The NSW Government helps councils improve the health of NSW estuaries and other coastal wetlands. It does this by providing estuary management grants under the Coastal and Estuary Grants Program.
Twenty councils and one other organisation received grants under the 2015–16 Estuary Management Program.