Saving our Species reporting

Stay informed about our work with our yearly reviews, report cards and other resources.

Spotted tree frog (Litoria spenceri)

The Saving our Species (SoS) program includes targeted conservation projects that use the latest technologies, survey methods and findings. We regularly monitor the effectiveness of projects so they can be improved and report on the results.

Since the program began in 2013, it has become a world-class threatened species program. It has delivered a 400% increase in species being managed on-ground.

Our annual report cards provide a traffic-light status for all SoS projects and/or sites to reflect how well a project is going against its targets. We’re also developing 5-year project summary reports to show how SoS species and ecological community projects are tracking overtime.

Annual report cards are produced to share the work we have undertaken and our results. They pull together all the information we have generated for each threatened species, ecological community or key threatening process project we are working on. 

This information includes:

  • actions carried out at key management sites, such as surveys or weed control
  • project and/or site status traffic lights
  • monitoring data and results
  • site summaries
  • project partners and investment.

This reporting helps us improve the effectiveness of our projects.

Our annual report cards also include the actions and results of Saving our Species conservation strategies.

View report cards – all years

Report cards for 2022–23

We have released the first batch of annual report cards for the 2022-23 reporting year. We will release the rest of the 2022-23 report cards shortly.

View 2022–23 report cards

Report cards for 2021–22

We have published the more highly sought after 2021–22 report cards, which you can view by clicking the button below.

View 2021–22 report cards

Request unpublished report card

You can request an unpublished 2021–22 report card by completing the form below. You will receive a response via email within 10 business days. 

These Saving our Species project reports summarise some of the milestones, achievements and data-driven results we achieved over the 5 years between 2016 and 2021. We’re working to develop more complete set for the 5-year period 2021 to 2026.

Project reports 2016–2021

Grouped project reports

We’ve grouped our project reports for 2016 to 2021 so you can search by animal class, plants, ecological communities and key threatening processes.

Summary reports for our bird projects

Summary reports for our ecological communities projects

Summary reports for our frog projects

Summary reports for our fungi projects

Summary reports for our invertebrate projects

Summary reports for our key threatening processes projects

Summary reports for our mammal projects

Summary reports for our plant projects

Summary reports for our reptile projects