Kalyarr National Park Draft plan of management: public consultation

Kalyarr National Park Draft plan of management is on public exhibition until 5 pm 1 November 2024.

Public exhibition of the draft plan provides members of the community with the opportunity to have a say in the management directions for the park.

The draft plan is accompanied by the Kalyarr National Park Draft planning considerations report. It is recommended that readers of the plan refer to the planning considerations report for detailed explanations of the park's values and management considerations.

Kalyarr National Park is located on Nari Nari Country approximately 40 kilometres north-west of Hay in western New South Wales. NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service and Nari Nari people manage the park together through the Mawambul Co Management Group.

The park is a place of cultural connection for Aboriginal people and protects significant cultural heritage values and biodiversity values. The park also provides opportunities for nature-based recreation in a relatively remote area. Key directions for management proposed in the draft include:

  • continued co-operative management with Mawambul Co Management Group
  • protection of significant wetlands, plants, animals, and vegetation communities including threatened species and communities
  • protection and culturally appropriate management of significant Aboriginal cultural heritage sites
  • ongoing protection and management of historic heritage
  • providing for sustainable visitor use and enjoyment.

What is a plan of management?

A plan of management includes information on important park values and provides directions for future management. Once the plan is adopted, no management operations can be undertaken in the park unless they are consistent with the plan.

Why is a plan being prepared?

Parks and reserves established under the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 are required to have a plan of management. Once adopted, the plan of management for Kalyarr National Park will replace a statement of management intent for the park which was approved in 2014.

When will the plan of management be finalised?

At the close of the public exhibition period, we provide the West Regional Advisory Committee with the plan and the submissions. The Committee may then provide advice to the Minister for the Environment.

The Minister considers the plan, submissions and advice for the Regional Advisory Committee, makes any necessary changes to the plan and decides whether to adopt the plan under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974. Once a plan is adopted, it is published on the department's website and key stakeholders, including those who made a submission on the draft plan, will be notified.

Where can I see a printed copy of the draft amendment?

The draft plan and planning considerations report may be viewed at National Parks and Wildlife Service Riverina Area Office, 200 Yambil Street, Griffith NSW 2680.

Have your say

Public exhibition is from Friday 30 August 2024 to 1 November 2024.

You can provide your written submission in any of the following ways:

  • Post your written submission to:
    Manager, NPWS Planning and Assessment
    Locked Bag 5022
    Parramatta NSW 2124
  • Email your submission to: npws.parkplanning@environment.nsw.gov.au
  • Use the online form below.

Our response to your submission will be based on the merits of the ideas and issues you raise rather than the quantity of submissions making similar points. For this reason, a submission that clearly explains the matters it raises will be the most effective way to contribute.

Submissions are most effective when we understand your ideas and the outcomes you want for park management. Some suggestions to help you write your submissions are:

  • write clearly and be specific about the issues that are of concern to you
  • note which part or section of the document your comments relate to
  • give reasoning in support of your points – this makes it easier for us to consider your ideas and will help avoid misinterpretation
  • tell us specifically what you agree/disagree with and why you agree or disagree
  • if you can, suggest solutions or alternatives to managing the issue.

Any personal information you provide will be protected. Further information is available on our privacy page.

The information you provide in this form will only be used for the purpose for which it was collected. By submitting, you consent to storage, use, and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with our privacy policy. You can request access and amendment of your personal information.