Resources, tools and systems
Your one-stop shop for Biodiversity Offsets Scheme resources
Biodiversity Credits Market Sales Dashboard (BAM)
Biodiversity Offset Payment Calculator (BOP-C)
Biodiversity Offsets Scheme Entry Threshold (BOSET) Tool
Biodiversity Values Map Threshold (BMAT) Tool
Credits Near Me NSW mobile and web app
Plant Community Type to Offset Trading Group lookup tool
Biodiversity Offsets and Agreements System (BOAMS)
Biodiversity Accredited Assessor System (BAAS)
BioNet Vegetation Classification database
Archived BioMetric and Threatened Species Profiles datasets
Vegetation Condition Benchmarks
Indicative demand for ecosystem credits
Introduction of revised Plant Community Types in eastern NSW to the Biodiversity Offsets Scheme
Biodiversity Offsets Scheme
- Transfer Biodiversity Offsets Scheme credits application (DOC 161KB)
- Annotated transfer BOS credits form (PDF 312KB)
- Retire BOS biodiversity credits application (DOC 134KB)
- Annotated retire BOS credits form (PDF 255KB)
- Assessment of reasonable equivalence application (DOCX 125KB) – for a BioBanking credits obligation
- Assessment of reasonable equivalence application (DOCX 122KB) – for existing BioBanking credits
Previous BioBanking Scheme
Transfer BioBanking biodiversity credits application (DOC 47KB)
Retire BioBanking biodiversity credits from the market application (DOC 100KB)
Biodiversity Values Map
Apply for a Biodiversity Values Map Explanation Report or Map Review
Biodiversity Certification
Biodiversity certification application (DOC 198KB)
Request to declare a biodiversity certification strategic – assessing the criteria (DOC 31KB)
Authority to sign and proof of identity (PDF 144KB)
Threatened reptiles – Biodiversity Assessment Method survey guide
Flora species with specific survey requirements (XLS 2.5MB) (also available from the front of the BAM-C)
'Species credit' threatened bats and their habitats
Biodiversity credits
Biodiversity credit pricing guide
Guidance for applying to transfer or retire BOS credits
Guidelines for government agencies participating in the Biodiversity Offsets Scheme
Note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and clarity of the information provided. However, you should exercise judgement when using this information and consider obtaining expert advice.
Credit supply registers
- BOS credit supply register – details of the number, type and location of credits available to buy. This register includes Expressions of Interest (potential credit supply), pending credits (those which need assessment/approval) and issued credits. The credit supply register is also available as a point-in-time Excel download (XLS 4.5MB).
- BioBanking public registers – information about BioBanking credits, including ownership information and status.
Credit demand registers and resources
- BOS credit demand register – the number, type and location of credits which are required. This register includes credits wanted (potential credit demand) and pending credits (those which need assessment/approval). The credit demand register is also available as a point-in-time Excel download (XLS 91KB).
- Biodiversity Conservation Trust credits wanted list – credits being sought by the BCT to acquit offset obligations received from developers who have paid into the Biodiversity Conservation Fund.
- Biodiversity Conservation Trust credit tenders and fixed price offers – the regular processes that the BCT runs to purchase credits from the credits wanted list.
- Credit Supply Taskforce in demand credits – includes a map and list of in demand credits, to help landholders understand if they could create in demand credits.
- Credit Supply Taskforce reverse auctions – the regular processes that the CST runs to purchase credits from the target list.
- Indicative demand for ecosystem credits – future demand based on a forecast of NSW State and Regional Significant Development and State Significant Infrastructure projects that will require biodiversity credits.
Other registers
- BOS transactions register – BOS credit transfers and retirements including credit type, number, price and date as well as suspensions and cancellations. The transactions register is also available as a point-in-time Excel download (XLS 1.1MB).
- Accredited assessors register – contact details for individuals accredited to prepare assessments of biodiversity values under the BOS. The accredited assessors register is also available as a point-in-time Excel download (XLS 343KB).
- Private land conservation agreements register – private land conservation agreements with the Biodiversity Conservation Trust.
Biodiversity Assessment Method
BAM Operational Manual – Stage 1 2020 (PDF 2.7MB)
BAM Operational Manual – Stage 2 (interim 2017) (PDF 1.4MB)
BAM Operational Manual – Stage 3 2020 (PDF 1.9MB)
BAM calculator user guide version 2
Biodiversity Credits Market Sales Dashboard: User Guide
Biodiversity Offsets Payment Calculator public tool: user guide
BAM 2020 – what's new (PDF 48KB)
BOAMS Accredited Assessor user guide